Federal District Court Clerkship Interview Opportunities (2020–2021 Term)
The Share the Wealth Judicial Law Clerk Program is a referral program run by judges. Participating judges screen qualified law student applicants, conduct panel interviews with twelve students, and consider them for full-time clerkship positions. At the conclusion of this initial process, students who are not extended an offer by one of the judges may have their application packages shared with additional judges who have requested information on applicants through JTBF.
Eight federal judges will be conducting a round of interviews in connection with Just the Beginning–A Pipeline Organization’s Share the Wealth Judicial Law Clerk Program. These judges accept and consider law clerk applicants of all backgrounds. Rising 3Ls, as well as law school graduates, interested in federal clerkship should apply.
The following federal judges will be participating in the 2019 law clerk interview session: Judge Raymond Jackson (EDVA.); Chief Judge Mark Davis (EDVA); U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Frank Santoro (EDVA); Magistrate Judge Ivan Davis (EDVA); District Judge Brian Jackson (MDLA); Judge Benita Pearson (NDOH); Linda Parker (EDMI); Magistrate Judge Stephanie Dawkins Davis (EDMI), and Judge Victoria Roberts (EDMI). Please note that most clerkships are for one–year terms starting in 2020.
All application materials must be submitted through OSCAR by Friday, July 5, 2019.
Share The Wealth Judicial Clerkship Online Application Instructions
Follow the instructions below to apply to the participating judges through OSCAR. All application materials must be submitted through OSCAR by Friday, July 5, 2019.
1. Log into your OSCAR account.
2. Click on “My Profile.”
3. Click on the “Edit Profile” box above the “Contact Information” section.
4. Scroll down to the “Professional Organization” section.
5. Type “Just The Beginning Foundation” in the box .